Friday, September 23, 2016




1. 找出手機的型號(model number)

通常情況下,手機型號會標註在手機背面,或者寫在貼在手機的貼紙上。下面的圖片分別是SONY XPERIA ST27a和GALAXY S4 SC-04E。途中劃紅線的部分就是手機的型號。


您需要找到的手機型號,不是類似Samsung或者GALAXY S4這樣的手機品牌名稱。GALAXY S4的品牌名稱下面包含很多不同的手機型號,您需要找出您的手機是GALAXY S4下面的哪個型號。

2. 在Google上搜尋這個手機型號


3. 查看手機的網路規格


4. 查看您的手機適用哪種大小的SIM卡


5. 下面這些是我們的SIM卡可以使用的網路頻段

4G(LTE): Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 19 (800MHz), Band 21 (1500MHz)
3G(W-CDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA): Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 19 (800MHz)

理想的情況是,您的手機可以連接上面所有的頻段:Band 1,19,和21。此時,您會跟日本當地的人一樣,在日本大部分地區可以使用。

- 如果您的手機可以連接到Band1,那麼您就可以在大部分城市里連接到網路。
- Band19覆蓋的是郊區,如果您打算去山裡或者郊區,那麼在可以連接Band1的基礎上如果也可以連接到Band19的話,會對您的網路連接有幫助。
- Band21會為您在城市裡時提供額外的速度。

6. 請確認您的手機沒有被地區限制


7. 猶豫是應該租借一張SIM卡還是一台分享器



Friday, September 16, 2016




1. 找出手機的型號(model number)


2. 在Google上搜尋這個手機型號

在Google上搜索手機型號和手機的產品名稱(例如,「iPhone 5s A1429 規格」)來找出這台手機相關的網路規格。我們推薦您查看蘋果官方的訊息。

3. 查看手機的網路規格


您也可以參考蘋果官網的「瞭解如何藉由型號和其他詳細資料來辨識 iPhone 機型。」裡面技術規格的部分。

4. 下面這些是我們的SIM卡可以使用的網路頻段

4G(LTE): Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 19 (800MHz), Band 21 (1500MHz)
3G(W-CDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA): Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 19 (800MHz)

理想的情況是,您的手機可以連接上面所有的頻段:Band 1,19,和21。此時,您會跟日本當地的人一樣,在日本大部分地區可以使用。

- 如果您的手機可以連接到Band1,那麼您就可以在大部分城市里連接到網路。
- Band19覆蓋的是郊區,如果您打算去山裡或者郊區,那麼在可以連接Band1的基礎上如果也可以連接到Band19的話,會對您的網路連接有幫助。
- Band21會為您在城市裡時提供額外的速度。

5. 猶豫是應該租借一張SIM卡還是一台分享器



Tuesday, September 13, 2016



1. 輸入正確的地址后,不要忘記寫好房間號。


2. 詢問您的房東,他/她是否已經聯繫過郵局把他/她的名字註冊在這個地址下面。


3. 把房東的名字一起寫入收件地址里。


4. 如果收包裹用的郵箱有上鎖,或者有密碼鎖,需要事前聯繫房東索取鑰匙或詢問密碼。到達民宿后,請立即查看郵箱。



Monday, September 5, 2016

【SIM卡 or WIFI分享器】日本 旅行 留學 應該選哪一種呢?WIFI分享器篇



1. 對手機本身沒有要求

2. 手機無需設置,可以直接使用

3. 可同時連接多台設備


1. 需要充電才能使用。
2. 價格和SIM卡相比較貴。


高速high speed:適合於大部分時間在城市裡的大流量需求者。在城市裡信號很好但在郊區和鄉下信號較弱。

普通standard speed:適合在打算在日本各地旅行的普通流量需求者。可以滿足查詢換乘信息,景點信息,使用Google地圖查詢路線,更新Facebook和Twitter,使用Line等聊天類app的需要,在日本所有地區信號都很好。

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Receiving your package at a post office in Japan


It's worthy to know that Japan Post allows you to receive parcels at any post office in Japan. The service is known as "kyoku dome"(局留め, it literally means "stopped at the post office"). 

You can use this service when you don't know where you will be staying or when you are moving around and not sure if you can be at home to receive it. Use the address of the post office around the area you will be staying as the delivery address and have the package sent to a post office. You can pick it up once it is delivered to the post office. 

Bring your ID for collection

Unlike picking up a package at a convenience store, you don't need to navigate any machine to print the barcode or sign up as a member to use this service. You simply have to bring your ID such as a passport to collect the package. The recipient's name should not be a nickname but exactly the same as on your ID.

The package will be returned to the sender if it is not collected within 10 days, so don't forget to pick it up.

For CDJapan Rental customers

Receiving at a post office in airports is the most popular way of receiving the package among our customers. However, since the airport post offices are not open 24h, and some are not open on weekends and holidays, not everybody can choose this option.

If you are staying at a hotel, receiving at a hotel is good. Big hotels will handle this happily as part of their service but some smaller accommodations don't accept it. Note that many capsule hotels don't accept to receive any mail for their guests. You may want to ask your accommodation in advance.

Receiving at your friend's house or Airbnb is also an option but you have to be prepared. Please read the detail in this post: How to receive our package at Airbnb without any hassles.

So, when our customers are not sure about the address, we always recommend them to receive at a post office. It is a very safe option.

There are post offices that are open 24/7. Receiving at those post offices will be very easy as you don't have to worry about their opening hours. You can check the list of the 24h post office on  

【SIM卡 or WIFI分享器】日本 旅行 留學 應該選哪一種呢?SIM卡篇



1. 不用充電

2. 攜帶方便

3. 價格便宜

4. 適合人群
例如CDJapan Rental的SIM卡,每天有110MB的高速流量,高速流量使用完后,依舊可以享受200kbps速度(瀏覽網頁等完全沒有問題的速度)的無限流量。並且高速流量會在使用完110MB的當天晚上24點就恢復。關於110MB每天的高速流量可以用來做什麼,可以做下面全部這些。
- 瀏覽網頁:100頁
- 訊息類app(LINE、Whatsapp等等):100條訊息
- Youtube:30分鐘
- Email:20封
- Facebook:查看100條更新

另外,如果在留學期間,手機壞了或者購買了新的手機,SIM卡的大小也需要更換時,CDJapan Rental的話也會免費提供更換。

5. 那我為什麼不買預付費的SIM卡呢?
① 預付費卡流量有限制,租用的SIM卡不限流量吃到飽。




1. 雖然租用的SIM卡不需要激活,但是需要在手機上設定APN相關信息(有中文說明),對於手機設定苦手的人來說,還是選擇wifi更方便一些,省去這些APN設置。

2. 手機需要是無鎖的,並且需要自己查看相是否相容。


Thursday, August 25, 2016

iPhone Trouble: "SIM Not Supported" Error

If you this error on your device after inserting our SIM card, please check this post!

The reason you get this error is either your phone is locked or even if it has been unlocked by your carrier, you need to restore the device.

Please check the page below explaining how to solve the issue.

How to unlock your iPhone for use with another carrier

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Our Service is Now Available in Traditional CHINESE!!

We are very excited to let you know that CDJapan Rental website is now also available in Traditional Chinese!!

Now, we are offering our service in 3 languages; English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese!

We hope we will be able to serve more and more travelers and help them enjoy their time in Japan to the MAX!

Thank you for your support :D

CDJapan Rental開通中文服務啦!全面提供Wifi分享器和SIM卡出租服務!

CDJapan Rental Wifi分享器和SIM卡出租的中文服務正式上線!

中文頁面 CDJapan Rental 日本最優價格SIM卡和Wifi分享器出租

CDJapan Rental提供高質量高性價比的Wifi分享器和SIM卡,一直在歐美客戶間有很不錯的評價。現在為了方便中文圈的用戶,開始全面提供中文服務。

無論是您想要的不限流量或者是高速上網,CDJapan Rental的出租服務都可以滿足您!


1. Wifi分享器和SIM卡都是不限流量吃到飽的。並且使用的是日本國內覆蓋區域最大的DOCOMO網絡。

2. 收貨地址多樣。可以選擇酒店前台,日本機場郵局,普通郵局,黑貓Yamato營業所,Airbnb民宿或者朋友的家都可以。

3. 歸還的手續非常簡單方便,只需要將Wifi分享器或者SIM卡放在免費為您提供的信封裡後,丟進日本路邊隨處可見的紅色郵筒就OK。

4. 售後服務一級棒。買錯大小可以免費幫忙更換,如果因為一些原因需要退款的話,也可以幫您退款。

5. 出租时间可以延长,在出租到期前,您可以隨時在網上來延長,簡單方便。


CDJapan Rental 日本最優價格SIM卡和Wifi分享器出租

Monday, July 4, 2016

Information on Free Wi-Fi Spots on GetAroundJapan

GetAroundJapan is an information website operated by CDJapan for those planning to visit Japan on holiday.

For our CDJapan Rental customers, we suggest you check the information in their category Internet Connection (SIM card & Wi-Fi). They post updates on new wi-fi spots as well as some articles comparing different SIM card services.

If there's any information you need but you can't find on the internet, you can post questions on their Forum and the admin staff members or other registered members will reply to you!

Visit GetAroundJapan!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Win a Pair Tickets to "GeGeGe Mizuki Shigeru no Dai-yokai"! (Close on June 30)

Win a pair tickets to an event "GeGeGe Mizuki Shigeru no Dai-yokai" going to be held in Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, Tokyo from July 26 - August 29, 2016!

To anyone planning to visit Tokyo between July 26 and August 29, take a quick survey on GetAroundJapan (travel website by CDJapan) to win the chance!
We will send a pair tickets to an event "GeGeGe Mizuki Shigeru no Dai-yokai" which is going to be held in Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, Tokyo from July 26 - August 29, 2016, to 5 people.
The winners will be contacted by email after July 1st. The tickets will be sent by airmail to your country or to your accommodation in Japan.
Please check our article "Shigeru Mizuki's Yokai Theme Park in Sunshine City (Jul.26-Aug.29) to find out more about the event!
To take the survey, please join GetAroundJapan.
Survey: About Shopping in Japan

Monday, May 2, 2016

How to Get SIM card at Haneda Airport

There are some service providing SIM card for travelers at Haneda Airport.
We provide Data SIM card, too.

You can buy Prepaid SIM card from vending machine and other shops.
It is around 3000 yen to 6000 yen.

Sometimes very crowded at the shop counter.
Sometimes out of stock.
You never check your device work by their SIM card or not.
We recommend you to order before leaving, you can get easily.

CDJapan Rental SIM Card

Our SIM card is available from 1700 yen.
We have refund option if you can not use our SIM card.
You can pick up our Data SIM card
at Haneda airport post office.

How to pick up SIM card at Haneda airport post office

LocationTerminal 1, 1F Market Place
Business HoursPostal services: Monday - Friday 9:00 - 17:00 (Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)
Savings, foreign currency exchange, and insurance: Monday - Friday 9:00 - 16:00 (Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)
ATM: Monday - Friday 7:00 - 22:00, Saturday 8:00 - 21:00, Sunday and holidays 9:00 - 19:00
Haneda Airport Post office
You will need to present your passport to collect the package at the airport post office.
Please make sure you enter the name as shown on the passport as the recipient of the package. When the name is different, they will not release the package.
Once the package is sent out, you will receive a "Delivery Information" email with its tracking number. Please inform the tracking number and show your passport at the airport post office for collection. You can also check your tracking number from your order history by logging into My Page.

Best Data SIM card

Which service in Japan has the best SIM cards for foreign tourists?

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Win a Pair Tickets to "The Art of ZEN: From Mind to Form"! (Close: April 24th)

If you are planning to visit Kyoto by May 22, 2016, take a quick survey on GetAroundJapan to enter a chance to win a pair tickets to an exhibition "The Art of ZEN: From Mind to Form"!!

They will be giving a pair tickets to the exhibition to 5 people who took the survey.

Please check the article "The Art of ZEN: From Mind to Form" at the Kyoto National Museum (until May 22) to find out more about this exhibition!

To take the survey, please join GetAroundJapan.
Survey: About Shopping in Japan

Thursday, January 21, 2016

For skiers and snowboarders visiting Japan
We have many customers vising Hokkaido and Nagano for skiing and snowboarding, and also for working at the resorts during the winter. Like them, for those people going straight to the ski resorts from the airport, we recommend you arrange a mobile wi-fi and SIM cards in advance.

There probably aren't any electronic retailers like Yodobashi or BicCamera once you are away from the city center.

Also, one of the common questions asked by customers is "will the high speed mobile wi-fi (wimax) work in Hokkaido?". We would say "Yes, in some parts of cities but not in the ski resorts."

If you are going to Niseko area, we recommend you get our Standard Speed Mobile Wi-Fi, which uses the docomo network that covers wider area than the High Speed Mobile Wi-Fi(Wimax).

If you are going to get our SIM card, the connection will be more stable if your device can connect to Band 19 in addition to Band1. For instructions on how to check if your device is compatible with our SIM card, please check our older posts: Android, iPhones.

For more tips for skiing and snowboarding in Hokkaido, you could check the blog by Whiteroom Tours. Whiteroom Tours is one of the tour operators that offer guided ski and snowboard tours in Japan. On their blog, they mention our name in the post "8 Tips for Skiing and Snowboarding in Hokkaido, Japan"! Thank you!

Whiteroom Tours

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

How to receive our package at airbnb without any hassles

We have many customers who order our items to be delivered to an airbnb apartment. And quite many of them have trouble receiving it for some common reasons.

This post is about how to receive our packages at an airbnb apartment without any hassles.

1. Enter correct address. Don't forget to include the room number.

The most common cause of undelivered or delayed package is insufficient or incorrect address.

Please ask your host to give you a complete and correct postal address. A complete address means it has a correct postal code (zip code), and if it is an apartment, it should include the apartment name and the room number.

We have a lot of customers who don't include the apartment name and the room number.

Make sure you enter the complete address.

2. Ask your host if they have reported the address and his/her name to the post office.

Many airbnb rooms available in cities like Tokyo and Osaka are apartments used just for airbnb and the host doesn't actually live there.

This creates another common trouble. Sometimes the address and the owner's name are not reported to the post office by the host. When the address is not reported to the post office, they consider the place as a vacant house and would not deliver any mail.

This is the post office's operation policy and we cannot do anything about it.

Make sure your host has reported the address to the post office.

3. Indicate the host's name in the address.

We strongly recommend you send the package to in care of  (C/O) the host/owner of the house or put their name as the recipient.

When the mailman sees an unfamiliar name on the package, they usually ring the bell and ask the residents to make sure the package is delivered to the correct place. When no one is at home, they could bring it back and leave a delivery notice in the mailbox instead. Sometimes they will deliver it even without the resident's name as long as the address is sufficient, but why not be on a safer side?

Asking for re-delivery is not that difficult but it would be much easier if the mailman can simply leave the package in your mailbox.

4. Get the key or the key number of the mailbox from your host (if there's any). Check the mailbox once you get to the airbnb.

The package will be delivered in the mailbox as long as all above is done correcly. The mailman will not bring it to the door. Usually mailboxes are located on the ground floor of an apartment.

If the package is not in the mailbox, there should be a delivery notice from the post office. Please call the number on the notice to arrange re-delivery. 

We try our best to get items delivered in time but it's not possible without your cooperation. Hope these tips will help you complete a perfect order with us!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

"Regular size" or Micro or Nano?

Finding out the right size of SIM card that fits your device is the first thing you need to do before placing an order.

It is a bit misleading that the biggest SIM card, which is used in many Android devices is named "Regular size SIM card" or "Standard size SIM card". It makes some people to think that it would fit in most devices. In fact, Regular size SIM card are not compatible with iPhone (except for iPhone 3G) and many Android devices especially the recent models.

Not all android phones need "Regular size" SIM card.

To find out what size of SIM card you need, all you got to do is to google your device's model name and check its specification. SIM cards are available in 3 sizes; Regular, Micro, and Nano.

Actually, many customers who order Regular size SIM card from us find out it wasn't the right size after arriving to Japan!

Please make sure you order the right size.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Using your Whatsapp account with our SIM card in Japan

Our SIM card is a data SIM, so you cannot make phone calls or send and receive SMS. However, you can still communicate with friends and family using apps like Whatsapp, LINE, Skype and Viber.

Here are tips on how to use your Whatasapp account linked to your phone number in your country with our SIM card in Japan.

1. Simply put our SIM card in your device and connect to the internet.

2. Open the app. If you are asked to "Change Number", DON'T! Just ignore the message and proceed.

3. Done!

You CANNOT create a new account with our SIM card because WhatsApp requires to verify the number by sending SMS when creating a new account. Our SIM card cannot receive SMS.

If you don't have an account yet and are planning to use WhatsApp while in Japan, please sign up and have an active account ready before using our SIM card. Or you have already landed in Japan, you can put the SIM card from your country and connect to free wi-fi to sign up and receive SMS. Then, put our SIM card and continue using the same account.

For more details and updated information, please check the official website of the service.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Have you checked GetAroundJapan?

Our travel website GetAroundJapan offers updated information that we think are helpful for foreign visitors to Japan. 

All articles are organized in 11 categories such as "Pop Culture" and "Sightseeing".  We also have a category "Internet Connection (SIM card & Wi-Fi)" where we collect information on free wi-fi spots and etc. 

Also, we sometimes do survey and giveaways. Currently, we are doing a survey on GetAroundJapan website. Five participants on this survey will win a pair tickets to a contemporary artists Takashi Murakami's exhibition! To join the survey, please check the article below. 

Check out GetAroundJapan before your departure! 

Friday, October 30, 2015

How to check if your android device is compatible with our SIM card

Following the previous post "How to check if your iphone is compatible with our SIM card", this post will explain how to check the compatibility of android devices with our SIM card.

The devices that have been tested are listed on our website, however, there are many more compatible devices that we don't know. You can check if yours will work by checking the specification of the device.

1. Find out the model number

On your device, go to
Setting>About phone>Model number

Or, usually, the model number is indicated on the back cover or the side of the device, or on the sticker attached to the device. Below photos are examples of SONY XPERIA ST27a and GALAXY S4 SC-04E. The model numbers are underlined in red.

The model number you need to find out is NOT the brand name such as Samsung, or just GALAXY S4. There are many models for GALAXY S4, and you need to find out what model of GALAXY S4 yours is.

2. Google the model number

Google the model number to find out its network specification.

3. Check the model's network specification 

Check out the section that says "Network", "Frequency" or "Cellular and Wireless". There you will find the necessary information.

What networks is your device capable of functioning on?

4. Check the size of the SIM card, too

When you check the specification of the device, double check the size of the SIM card, too. Many people who order Regular size SIM card realize that their device actually needed a Micro SIM after receiving the SIM card. Please check the size of the SIM card and order the correct size.<

5. These are the networks/frequency our SIM cards work on

4G(LTE): Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 19 (800MHz), Band 21 (1500MHz)
3G(W-CDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA): Band 1 (2100MHz), Band 19 (800MHz)

Ideally, your device can connect to all the above: Band 1, 19, and 21. Then you will be connected in most areas in Japan.

- If your device can connect to Band 1, you will be connected in most cities.
- Band 19 covers suburb areas. If you are going to be in mountains or suburbs, it will be helpful to be able to connected to this band in addition to Band 1.
- Band 21 provides extra speed in cities.

6. Make sure the model is not Region-locked.

Some brands sell different versions in different regions. Sometimes they are region-locked. If it is region-locked, you cannot use SIM cards from different regions or you are not supposed to.

7. Decide whether to book a SIM card or a mobile wi-fi

If your device is compatible, please book our SIM card!

If your device is not compatible or if you are not sure about your device, or if you want a stable connection in Japan like locals do, we recommend you book a mobile wi-fi.

Hope this helps!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Which service in Japan has the best SIM cards for foreign tourists?

According to a survey, the difficulties to find internet connection is what dissatisfies foreign tourists the most during their stay in Japan.

Following such issues, many companies now offer SIM cards.
There are prepaid SIM cards and rental SIM cards.

But which one is best for your stay in Japan?
Lets compare SIM cards chosen by foreign tourists which can be
picked up at popular airports, in the chart below.

Prepaid Sim CardUseable periodData speedData amountPriceshipping feeMemo
b-mobile VISITOR SIM 1GB14Max 150mbps1GB4094216no activation required
eConnect Standard Speed30?1GB4100790no activation required
sonet 500M *160Max 150mbps500MB30000activation required
sonet 100M *130Max 150mbps100MB50000activation required
*1 sonet sim cards can be purchased in a vending machine at the airport.

Rental Sim CardUseable periodData speedData amountpriceshipping feeMemo
CDJapan 7 days *27Max 150mbps *3unlimited2300540no activation required
CDJapan 14 days *214Max 150mbps *3unlimited3500540no activation required
CDJapan 30 days *230Max 150mbps *3unlimited5900540no activation required
*2 Return is required. Return fees are included in the shipping fee.
*3 When the total data traffic reaches 30MB, the maximum traffic will be limited to 200kbps until 11:59 PM for that day. However after that LTE/3G high-speed data transmission will become available again.

SIM cards in the chart above are all from the same carrier, Docomo.
Therefore there are rarely any differences in the quality of data communication. The only difference is the price, data amount, and period.
The max. data speed of 150mbps is only based on a theoretical value but in reality, should be around 1mbps.

If we only compare prepaid SIM cards, "b-mobile VISITOR SIM 1GB" has limited data usage up to 1GB, but has hi-speed data communication and should be enough for a 14 day stay.

The max. data speed of "eConnect Standard Speed" is unknown but 1GB is probably not good enough for 30 days.

Sonet can be easily purchased in a vending machine at the airport. However the set up can be quite troubling. Also while the useable period is long, the data amount is very little so you will probably end up charging your battery many times.

Overall, if you are staying around 2 weeks, we think b-mobile VISITOR SIM 1GB is best out of the prepaid SIM cards.
If your stay is over 14 days, we recommend "eConnect Standard Speed".

The downside of prepaid SIM Cards are, while you can extend the useable period and charge if you exceed the data amount, it can be a hassle to cancel the contract, and may have to purchase any unused amount of data.

Rental Sim Card
CDJapan offers the rental type SIM cards, which is the best SIM cards for tourists in Japan.

Why we have the best service

  1. Best price in the market.
  2. Comes with a SIM card holder to keep your SIM cards safe.
  3. Unlimited data. No need to additionaly charge data.

The downside is that you have to return it, but the return fee is free.
If you are visiting Japan, why not use your rental card service.

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